Puppy Essentials
We have compiled a list of items we use with our goldens. You will also find some of our favorite recipes we like to bake.
Raw Food
We feed our goldens a raw diet. We use My Pet Carnivore for our single protein complete pork. We realize though that a raw diet is not for everyone.

We use Palomine lines with our goldens. They are lightweight and come in many different colors and lengths.

Kibble Food
We recommend Fromm Dog food for our families who want to feed kibble. We also recommend Honest Kitchen.

We use a harness for different sports and for hiking. Below are some of our favorites.
The Perfect Fit- Purchase in three different sections
Nylon Harness- This is our tracking harness. You could also use it for walking or hiking.

Training Treats
We use a variety of treats. We have added homemade training treat ideas below. We also mix in store-bought. We try to find a complete treat that is healthy. We use a lot of dog food. We also will feed less regular food if we have a training session as to not overfeed. Our goldens love:
Stewart Raw Naturals Freeze Dried Dog Food-these are great for throwing so dogs can "get it"
Franks Hot Dogs
Beef Liver cooked in Olive Oil
Pork Loin Chops

Yak Fleece Crate Pad
We use Royal Cabana fleece crate pads. They are quick to deliver and last forever.

We use Midwest Homes iCrate with a divider. We go ahead and buy the bigger size and use the divider to section off a smaller size for the puppy..

We use a different collar for every sport that our dogs train in so needless to say we have a wide variety of dog collars. These are some of our favorites.
Collar Direct Rolled Leather Collar-great for not breaking golden's hair
We buy a lot of our collars from Gun Dog. They put the name plates on the collars for you. These are the collars we own.
Granite Center Ring- This is our hunting collar
We also love Terrain Dog Collars. They are a high-quality collar for a reasonable cost. We love the buckle reflective collars.

Food/Water Bowls
We recommend food/water bowls that are on a stand. This makes eating easier for your puppies and dogs.
We also use a slow feeder. Slow feeders help to slow down dogs as they eat. Our Remi loves his food and sometimes eats a little too fast. We use the Outward Hound Fun Feeder Slo Bowl.

Our goldens have had the greatest success at keeping the Fluff and Tuff Toys in one piece.
Our girls love their tennis balls. We have found the best luck in buying normal tennis balls. The special ones made for dogs do not hold up as well. We have had luck in Chuckit Sport Ball Launchers. We also like the Chuckit Paraflight Flier Dog Toys.

Grooming Brush
We like using brushes with steel long pins. They tend to cause less damage to our golden"s hair. Chris Christensen makes a great one.

Grooming Nails
We use the lighted Dremel to grind our goldens nails. The light helps to see the quick.

Interactive Puzzles
Trixie Pet Puzzle
This is one of our first puzzles we have purchased. The dogs love this Trixie Pet Puzzle.

Here is another favorite of our goldens. It is another Outward Hound Interactive Puzzle.

Cato Boards
We love using Cato Boards to teach place. teach heeling, steadiness, and so many other behaviors.
Pet Cot
We love using Pet Cots. Our goldens like to sleep on them. We also teach settle on the cots. This comes in handy when someone comes to the door.
Target Sticks
We use a target stick when our goldens are pups to teach touch. This skill is very helpful for later concepts.
We use The Klimb to teach climb, steadiness, place, work with agility and much more.